

“Shelter-in-place” is a procedure to encourage individuals to seek shelter during certain types of emergencies/catastrophic events that may pose a threat to the safety of a small part of the campus or the overall safety of the entire campus community. 由于大学的性质和大学校园的开放氛围, 多个建筑, 通路, 与城市共用道路, 等.), the ability of campus authorities to “shelter-in-place” an entire campus and restrict the movement of people is difficult, 如果不是不可能的话. 在避难命令期间最大限度地保证安全, 每个人都应考虑以下建议:


  • 运行: 逃离大楼 如果你能根据你所知道的安全地这么做的话 发生在大楼内吗. (i.e., 如果你听到大楼另一边的枪声,而且你离出口很近, 执法部门建议逃离大楼)
  • 隐藏: Consider the above recommendations; additionally, 关掉手机的铃声和其他铃声,关掉灯.
  • 治疗: You (and those with you) stand a better chance of surviving if you do something rather than 不hing.

请记住:所有建筑物的外部门都可能被锁上,作为就地避难命令的结果. 在紧急情况下,电子门将关闭卡的进入. 用你最好的判断来决定最安全的行动方案来保护你自己.


Each building has a designated Building Safety Coordinator who will assume responsibility for providing information to the individuals in his or her building regarding how to respond with various types of emergencies. Each Building Safety Coordinator is responsible for preparing an Emergency Response Plan Manual for their building which identifies other personnel who typically reside in the building and may be able to help secure the building in the event of an emergency. 这包括教育乘客最近的出口,锁定机制等. The Office of 公共安全 and Physical Plant are resources for 楼宇安全协调员 and should be consulted when considering how best to educate their occupants about emergency practices including locking of facilities. 有关锁定机制的问题应直接向物理工厂询问. Note: the responsibility of locking a building is the personal responsibility of all occupants and should be done only when it can be done safely.


  • 主动射击/大规模射击
  • 校园周边发生的重大犯罪活动(抢劫、枪击等).)
  • 人质劫持事件
  • 防暴/大起义
  • 化学品泄漏/有毒气体或生物释放


The initial decision to initiate a “shelter-in-place” order will be the responsibility of the senior on-duty public safety 办公室r. A “building” order may also be initiated by occupants within a building should they become aware of a clear and present danger within their building or on campus near their building. It is imperative that the occupants immediate 不ify 911 if they believe there is clear and present danger so law enforcement can respond. If the threat is 不 direct (meaning there is a concern there could be a threat) report to the Office of 公共安全 with all available information. The Office of 公共安全 will forward this information to the proper administrative 工作人员 members to determine the proper campus response and if the shelter-in-place order should be extended to the entire campus.

如果决定启动校园范围内的就地避难所, the Office of 公共安全 will send 不ification through the Ace Alerts 紧急通知系统 不ifying the campus of the activation of the procedure and a brief explanation of the emergency causing the activation.


当避难所命令发布时, 校园里的所有人都应该根据现有的信息考虑他们目前的位置. 在原地避难的情况下, 所有人必须尽可能保持冷静,并考虑“逃跑”, 隐藏, 选择最安全的行动方案来保护自己和附近的其他人. 如果一栋建筑能够安全上锁,个人就应该被授权这样做. 一旦门锁上, it is recommended doors 不 be reopened until law enforcement or security 办公室rs issue an official “all clear.” Occupants should consider the information they “know” about the possible threat before considering opening a door for someone.


  • 躲在大楼里,如果可能的话,躲在锁着的内门后面. Those in common areas of the building should immediately attempt to move into a classroom or other safe area if possible.
  • 住在宿舍的个人应留在宿舍内或前往自己的房间, 锁上门, 找个地方躲起来. Those in common areas of the building should immediately attempt to move into a room or other safe area if possible.
  • 如果在户外,请尽可能寻找避风处或离开校园. 所有通往校园建筑的外部大门都将被锁上. 一旦避难所启动,卡将被关闭.


When a shelter-in-place is ordered for an outside threat (meaning the person threatening harm is believed to be outside of a specific building), 校园将通过AceAlerts收到通知. 如果居住者能够快速安全地锁门,他们应该被授权锁门. 注意:一旦门锁上, they will 不 be unlocked under any circumstances and individuals in the building should remain there until the “all clear” is given by law enforcement or University security personnel. 一旦门锁上, it is recommended doors 不 be reopened until law enforcement or security 办公室rs issue an official “all clear.” Occupants should consider the information they “know” about the possible threat before considering opening a door for someone.

假设离开大楼是 可能的话,所有教室和办公室的门都要关好. 关掉手机的铃声和其他铃声,关掉教室的灯. Go to a location in the room where you can不 be seen and stay in place until you are 不ified the threat is over.

个人在建筑物的公共区域,如图书馆, 浴室, 餐厅区域, 走廊, 等.,应立即前往安全区域,在可能的情况下,进入一个安全的房间.


如果知道威胁的位置, consideration should be given to evacuating 只有 if an exit is easily accessible and believed to be safe. 否则,不要离开安全区域,直到“安全解除”命令发布.

When a shelter in place is ordered for an inside threat (meaning the person threatening harm is potentially or known to be inside a specific building) all faculty, 工作人员, 学生们应该在教学楼(教室)内寻求庇护, 衣橱, 办公室, 等.),除非他们能够根据自己所了解的情况安全地逃离大楼. 假设离开大楼是 不 可能的话,所有教室和办公室的门都要关好. 关掉手机的铃声和其他铃声,关掉教室的灯. Go to a location in the room where you can不 be seen and stay in place until you are 不ified the threat is over.

个人在建筑物的公共区域,如图书馆, 浴室, 餐厅区域, 走廊, 等.,应立即前往安全区域,在可能的情况下,进入一个安全的房间.

Door-to-door confirmation of the “all clear” announcement will be made by law enforcement or University security personnel. 当紧急情况得到解决,不再需要就地避难时, the Chief of Security will 不ify the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs that the threat has been eliminated. 经教务处常务副校长批准, the Officer of 公共安全 will send 不ification through the Ace Alerts Emergency Notification system 不ifying the campus that the emergency has ended and the shelter-in-place order has been lifted. 在那个时候,建筑可以解锁.



  • 拉火警警报以警告他人.
  • 打电话给校园保安,如果可能的话,拨打6911,并向他们提供尽可能多的信息.
  • 试图把火扑灭 只有 如果它很小,你知道如何安全操作.
  • 如果灭火器在一分钟内没有灭火,请立即离开.
  • 如果没有直接的危险, 留在现场,指挥保安人员或消防员前往火场.
  • 在有关当局发出安全警报之前不要再进入大楼.


Although earthquakes are 不 common in this area, Evansville is close to the New Madrid fault line. 公共安全办公室制定了防止此类事件发生的指导方针.


  • 不要试图离开建筑物或车辆
  • 如果在办公室或房间里:

    • 躲在桌子或书桌下面,或者躲在室内的门口.
    • 如果没有桌子, 跪下来, 双臂靠近膝盖,把脸埋在手臂里, 使用笔记本或夹克来保护你的头部.
    • 远离窗户, 书架, 冰箱, 灯具, 或其他可能滑动或掉落的重物.
  • 如果在走廊,采取以下措施:

    • 进入内门,靠在门框上.
    • 跪下来, 双臂贴近膝盖, 把脸埋在胳膊里, 使用笔记本电脑, 或夹克,以增加保护你的头部.
  • 如果在户外,远离建筑物、电线、电线杆和其他结构.
  • 在汽车里, 停在最安全的地方, 最好是远离电线的开阔区域, 光波兰人, 和树木.
  • 呆在车里,因为它提供了庇护所.


  • 最重要的是 保持冷静.
  • 万一发生大地震, 在最初的震动之后撤离建筑物,事情就稳定下来了, 警惕余震,并按下列两个指定集合点之一移动:

    • 前椭圆形远离树木.
    • 麦卡琴体育场运动场.
  • 根据天气的需要带衣服.
  • 待在集合区,直到紧急救援人员发出指示.
  • 除非得到紧急救援人员的授权,否则不要进入建筑物!


